*Annual Minutes August 2019*

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Prides Crossing # 4 Annual HOA Meeting, August 2nd, 2019

Meeting called to order at 6:30pm

Board Members present: Reed Porter, Steph Wallis, Charlene Stratton, Debbie Huizat, and Karen Wilson.
Quorum met.

President informed the attendees how the meeting would run.

Charlene motioned to approve the 2018 annual meeting minutes, Steph seconded the motion, all approved.

Debbie re Proposed Budget:
Water bill: The leak was fixed so we are deducting an estimated 33% for future water bills.
HOA Fee’s $44,000: Fee’s will increase each year by 15% percent.
Accounting/Bookkeeping: Have been consolidated to one line of expenses.
Debbie met with our bookkeeper in Colorado Springs to discuss better practices to maintain more detailed accounting records, and to make sure all dues are collected.
Karen motioned to approve the budget, Charlene seconded the motion, all approved.

Debbie re Financial Review:
$62,580 in reserves
$9,842 in checking
In the black $3,500 by September 30th, year end
Reed re the Reserves Summary/Study:
$97,000 needed in reserves to cover future expenses.
Sprinklers are good for 1-2 more years
Fence will need replaced in or around 2023. In the meantime, the fence needs to be sanded and repainted or stained.
These are the reasons for the dues increase.
It was asked that the purple flowers near the sidewalk be trimmed as they are attracting wasps/bees.

Board of Directors Comments:
Reed commented that we have had a great first year, working hard to represent the community.
Steph and Charlene have created a monthly HOA Newsletter.
Charlene asked that members of the community that are interested in the Newsletter, please get us your email address so we can add you to our mailing list.-Karen thanked the old board for their help.

Nominations for new board members:
Tyler Hobson was nominated and accepted the nomination.
Rich was nominated but declined.
Votes were counted by Kim, Kathleen, and Ron.
With 29 votes, Tyler Hobson was elected as a new board member.

Open Floor for Comments:
Front yards don’t look as good as they used to. What does the board do about that?
Reed: If a complaint is submitted, the board will act accordingly.
The commons area needs cleaned up and better taken care of, particularly the bus stop on Layton.
Mailboxes are messy/dingy.
Reed: They are the responsibility of the Post Office; Reed will reach out to them.
Mailboxes have been broken into. Is this something that has been happening a lot?
Reed: Will inquire.

Meeting adjourned at 7:02pm.

Annual Meeting Minutes August 2019