Board members in attendance: Reed Porter, Steph Wallis, Debbie Huizar, and Karen Wilson.
Homeowners in attendance: None
Reed called the meeting to order at 6:34pm
Community: A concerned neighbor has suggested installing cameras at each entrance for safety reasons. The board discussed and it is undeniably not fiscally possible or appropriate for our HOA.
Accounting: Debbie is looking into HOA dues that haven’t been paid. Board is considering finding a new accounting services provider as Carl has not been providing services to our standards.
Greenbelt: Board needs to get quotes regarding repair of the fence to decide the most fiscally responsible option, repair vs. replace. Mulch needs replaced. Steph has a truck, and Reed and Steph have agreed to get free mulch from the city of Aurora to fill in where needed throughout the greenbelt as the estimate from Hawkins Brothers to replace the mulch was $4,000.
Upcoming Save The Dates:
Garage Sale: May 29th-31st
Trash Day: June 13th (Use 5280 Trash Co again, maybe 4 dumpsters this year as 3 filled quickly)
Annual HOA Meeting: August 7th
Harvest Fest/Block Party: October 17th
Final Note:
Get the HOA website cleaned up.
Meeting adjourned at 7:25pm