*Annual Minutes August 2018*

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Prides Crossing # 4 Annual HOA Meeting, August 8th, 2018

Meeting called to order at 6:55pm

85 present.

Attorney Damien Bielli, Bar # 35256, present.

President called for 2017 minutes to be approved, however those minutes were not available, so meeting
moved forward without approval.

President asked if there were any questions regarding the annual budget before it’s approval. Questions regarding the rise in costs from the previous budget:

QuickBooks $42-$720? President answered that it was a rate increase from the company. What is recruitment and retention? President answered that’s for lunches/Christmas lighting contest, etc. Why is that not part of “Community events.” President answered that that’s just the way he put it on the budget.

Why did the water bill increase $6,000? President answered it’s because of 2 major leaks in the system and they have been unable to locate the shut off valves to make the necessary repairs. He mentioned the new board would be responsible for fixing the issue.

Amount of legal fees? President answered it’s just an estimate.

What are the legal fees (email)? President answered, that is a contract with Damien that is specifically for
emailing any questions.

How much is in the reserve account? President answered, 52k.

What happened with the proposed new HOA by-laws? President answered that they needed 140 votes to
pass the new by-laws and they did not have enough people to vote.

Why was the fence not included in the budget? President answered it’s because it’s a special assessment.
Questions were raised about the cost of the fence. President answered that 137k is a rounded-up estimate
and that any excess would be returned to the homeowners.

Question was asked, why not use the money in the reserve fund for the fence? President answered that
the reserve fund must be maintained at 80k.

Questions were raised about the ballots; how would we know who voted, who had proxies with no name
on the ballot? Damien answered that ballots should have been handed out at the door at check in rather
than mailed and that it is a secret ballot. Number of ballots would have to match the number of those in
attendance plus validated proxies.

If the budget doesn’t balance, and we are in the red, how can you put money into the reserve fund?
President answered that it’s only an estimated budget and if there is no extra, then money collected for the
fence will go into the reserve account.It was asked again, with only 42k collected in dues how can we have 45k in expenses? President reiterated that it’s only an estimated budget.

Question was asked, how many estimates did you get for the fence? President answered that we will
cover that in new business.

A lot of chatter broke out, mostly regarding the fence and our current HOA board members. President
called on Reed Porter for assistance. Reed brought the meeting back to order, let people know we will get
to voting on new board members and asked that people please show respect for our current board as we
continued the meeting. It was also noted that the current contract for the fence was canceled and that a
new contract would have to be established moving forward.

If we pay for accounting services, why don’t they help with the budget? President answered that it’s just
a general proposal and that the accounting firm will send out P and L’s.

At 7:37 we took a vote and the 2018 budget was approved.

Greenbelt status review: as per president- The fence can be pushed over with light pressure, encouraged
skeptics to give it a try, but not too hard. The shut off valves need to be located for sprinkler repairs.
Has the weed eater issue been resolved? President answered that yes, rock was added a foot out from the
fence to keep the weed eater away from it.

Question was asked regarding how many homeowners lived on the fence line and if they would pay more
for its replacement. 21 homeowners live on the fence line, and no, each homeowner in PC #4 will pay the
same amount.

Question was asked about the availability of a map of PC #4. The board will get it up on the PC #4 website asap.

Question was asked regarding the requirements of being a member of the board. They must be a homeowner and they must be in good standing.

Nominations were made for new board members. Entire board to be replaced.

Those nominated were: Reed Porter, Steph Wallis, Charlene Straton, Matthew Hill, Karen Wilson, Linda
Dechow, Debbie Huizar, Tom Shor, Steve Bobrik, Melissa Burzell, and Lauren Bennett.

To resolve the above stated ballot issue, each homeowner present was given a new ballot specific to the
August 8th meeting, after all ballots were passed out, a line was formed to verify those with proxies and
those people were given additional ballots per verified proxy.

Joe, Teresa, and Yaneth left the room to count the votes.

1-year term: Lauren Bennett, Steve Bobrik, Melissa Burzell, and Tom Shor

2-year term: Reed Porter, Steph Wallis, Charlene Straton, Matthew Hill, Karen Wilson, Linda Dechow, and Debbie Huizar.

New board was reminded that it would need to hold its first meeting within 30 days to assign board positions. Damien offered to attend to field any questions at no charge.

Meeting adjourned at 9:25pm.

Minutes for Annual Meeting August 2018 PDF Download