Prides Crossing #4 HOA Board Meeting Minutes
September 5th, 2019
Board members in attendance: Reed Porter, Steph Wallis, Debbie Huizar, Charlene Stratton, Karen Wilson, and Tyler Hobson
Homeowners in attendance: Rich Roberts, and Kim and Ron Sopoci.
Reed called the meeting to order at 6:28pm
Karen motioned to approve June meeting minutes, Charlene seconded the motion, all board member’s approved.
Reed will have a meeting with Hawkins re the water bill. Possible leak in the system. Replacement of sprinkler system is inevitable, cost to be evaluated.
Landscape care taking will also be discussed. Trees are an issue, need trimmed, and areas of the greenbelt need to be re-mulched.
Re snow removal:
Board will look for new bids and include the mailbox areas in the contract.
We will stay with a cash account. Review of the books will cost $160 per hour for Dale Weidner (sp).
$2,000=12 ½ hours.
Meeting Location:
The board agrees to try to keep them at the Smoky Hill Library, booking can be an issue as openings
fill up fast.
Community Events:
Trunk or Treat/Block Party, Saturday October 26th. Steph will reach out to the City of Aurora re permits and street closure.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm.