Called to order at 6:25 pm
In attendance: Rich Roberts, Tom Dean, Mary Kelley, Chris Kelley, and Karen Wilson
New Business
Hawkins Brother’s Snow Contract: The contract was reviewed. It was moved by Mary and seconded by Karen that we accept their contract.
Bylaw changes due to changes in Colorado HOA laws. Damien made changes so we conform to the new law. Moved by Karen and seconded by Tom. Richard will place the seal on the bylaws and Tom will post it on the website.
Homeowner complaints. The City of Aurora has changed their trash can policy and they now can be within sight. Homeowner bylaw infractions must be in writing. There are complaints regarding two homes on Layton Pl. Rich will contact Damien regarding discussing issue and how we can legally approach the homeowners and notify them of their bylaw infractions.
Chris will check trees so there are no branches on the fence and get them removed if necessary.
Meeting adjourned at 7:01 pm